Saturday 23 May 2015

The president of Spark Award came to Plz dont buy it exhibition !

How much do you know about design before buying the product ?
NoTag says do not buy the product if you do not understand. When you have finally assimilated it then you should buy it.
The main goal of the exhibition “PLZ DONT BUY IT” is to introduce the design philosophy. With this exhibition, customers and designers can get closer to each other and share.

Peter F. Kuchinicki, the president of Spark Award came to NoTag Art Design Show at Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP). The Spark award is the world's most modern design competition.Click and drag to move​
The President and the CEO Aiden Ung Choi have discussed about a partnership about a competition in which they will choose a winner each year through worldwide designers.

Peter F. Kuchinicki was really happy to visit this exhibition and let a video message on the facebook page of “PLZ DONT BUY IT” :


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